Delavnica: Practical Computer Security (with Applications to HPC)
- Key Definitions in the domain of Computer Security
- Security Frameworks
- Application to HPC Environment
- Security Tools and Systems in everyday life
- Assessing Risks
- Understanding mailflow and securing Email (SPF, DKIM, DMARC, reputation check…)
- Practical Ideas for (Daily) Practice on HPC
- Website Security Checking
- Security Incident Response
- Where to learn more?
HANDS-ON LAB: KALI Linux Tools and other practical tools.
Limitations: up to 10 participants due to nature of hands-on lab. Registered users will get info on how to use the environment.
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Več informacij lahko poiščete na spletni strani dogodka, kjer se lahko tudi prijavite. Delavnica bo potekala prek videokonference v angleškem jeziku.