Seminar: Kinetic-fluid coupling of plasma simulations
17. november 2021, 13:00 do 15:00
Predicting the impact of the large transient heat loads through modelling is especially challenging and is often attempted through the use of fluid plasma boundary modelling codes, such as SOLPS-ITER, in which the Edge localized mode (ELM) is crudely approximated as a fixed large, but limited in time. This work describes the first results of efforts to address ELMs issues for ITER simulations under high performance conditions using the 1D3V electrostatic parallel Particle-in-Cell (PIC) code BIT1, to study the kinetic effects and to provide time-dependent kinetic target sheath heat transmission factors. In a second step of the work, these are used in the formulation of fluid boundary conditions for calculations of ELM target heat loads using the SOLPS-ITER code.
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